Hello, my name is Michelle Medlock and I’m with Primerica financial services. We help families with all aspects of their finances. We give them a complementary debt plan. We have a proprietary system that takes into account their balances, interest rates, minimum payments, and if they are paying any extra on the debts. We are getting families debt free years sooner and saving thousands of dollars in interest.

We also help families invest for their retirement, and kids college. After we’ve done the debt plan we go into detail with each client on what age they want to retire, how much they currently have saved for retirement, and give them a specific plan that will let them know how much they need to be saving in order to retire at the age they would like to retire. It also takes into account inflation. Clients can invest with us for as low as $25 per month!

We also help families with the absolute best term life insurance in the world! Once you’re  approved through our company you have guaranteed insurability, what that looks like is in the event somebody is uninsurable at the end of their term they can still renew with our company at the same health rating they were the day they got the policy with us! We also have a product called a decreasing term to age 100 so the client can pay the same price forever and at the end of their term their death benefit would start decreasing but it more mirrors their need for life insurance. We also have a living benefit rider with all of our policies that is included we do not charge extra and that is in the event you were ever diagnosed with a terminal illness like cancer you can pull 40% of your death benefit out while you are still living. Also for our clients that are below 55 years of age they can double their coverage in the first 10 years of their policy with us and never having to take another medical and it’s only 10% per year so it’s just a little at a time but it’s a great way for them to get the coverage that they really want even if they can’t afford that right now.

I wrote an application on a client that was 33 years old, she was a single mom, and by the time I got her policy in which was about a month later, she had been diagnosed with cancer! I got her approved right in the nick of time and now she has guaranteed insurability with our company! What’s even better is because of our IBR she has increased her coverage after a year by 10% and in a couple more months she will be increasing her coverage another 10% all while having cancer! To say that she is thankful to have Primerica is an understatement!

I sat down with a client that was a referral from my MSF chapter to help her get a plan of getting out of debt. In the process I reviewed her life insurance policies and she had a policy on one of her children that she was paying $35 a month for and she didn’t realize it until we showed her in her policy but she had been paying the last four years for a zero death benefit! She was furious! We were able to get her whole family covered with life insurance for more coverage than they had for less money than they were paying! I’m so thankful for what we do!

We helped a 64-year-old client with a debt plan that had not started saving for retirement yet. Paying his debts the way he was currently paying them he would be in debt until he was 90 years old! After our debt plan he will be completely debt-free in 4 1/2 years, and be able to retire at age 76! It is super powerful whenever you have a 64-year-old client crying on your shoulder thanking you for helping them, giving them hope again! What we do is so powerful and I absolutely love it!

We helped a client get her husband’s death benefit when unfortunately her husband passed away. From the day Primerica received his death certificate to the day we received a check to deliver to her was seven days! This was a policy written 30 years ago!!  In the process of helping her with that we looked at her investment accounts she had one with Primerica and another one with another company. The investment with the other company has earned her 4 1/2% rate of return the last seven years, and Primerica‘s investment earned her 31% last year! Also the investment with the other company was paying her $64,000 a year, we helped her to where she will be earning $75,000 per year plus when her daughter is 55 years old she will have around $20 million in her investment account! I absolutely Love helping people the way we do!

Insurance-Life/Financial Coach
Michelle Medlock
Primerica Financial Services
525 S. Main St. Suite 100 
Tulsa, OK 74103