Melinda Favero
BigA Senses LLC
623 Miller Valley Rd
Prescott, AZ 86301

Twenty four hours prior to dinner we send our patrons the location to dinner and some recommendations for wine pairings. It is only upon the arrival of our diners that they see the menu.

SENSES hosts "Pop-Up" Dinners around Prescott in which we work with small, local businesses to set up high end dinners in unique and unlikely locations.

We have served our dinners in historical buildings, photography studios, AirBnBs and other intimate and unique locations. Our guests do not know the location of their dinner or the menu to be served.

It is our goal to shop locally and support small farms and businesses around Arizona.

Take a seat at our table and meet locals and tourists passionate about food and wine all while enjoying a multi-course culinary experience, artfully prepared by Chef John Panza.

These "Pop-Up" dinners will not only feature exquisite food but will surprise and delight all your SENSES.